Functional programming in Flutter

Tamil KannanCV
2 min readMay 23, 2023


To learn about functional programming in flutter with examples and more clear explanations.

In the world of mobile app development, Flutter has gained significant popularity due to its ability to create cross-platform applications with a single codebase. While Flutter embraces object-oriented programming (OOP), it also provides support for functional programming (FP) concepts.

Functional programming brings a different paradigm to app development, offering benefits such as improved code maintainability, reduced complexity, and enhanced testability. In this article, we’ll explore the core principles of functional programming and how you can leverage them to write clean, concise, and scalable code in Flutter.

What is functional programming?

We use functions to modularize our code, it is similar to that. If we create a code functional code it reduces the error, that we might encounter during our coding time.

I flutter we can implement functional programming in various ways.

If you using for...loop, you can try this,

final list = [1,2,3];

here we are replacing the traditional for...loop with a function forEach.

In Kotlin we have let which helps in modularizing the code even more. We can implement the same in Dart.

extension ObjExt<T> on T{
R let<R>(R Function(T value) op) => op(value);

The above code helps us to modularize every variable in the code.

Now the variable name can be used with null safety inside the let function.

There are various other plugins that helps us in performing functional programming.

There are many interesting things in functional programming. I’ll cover those in upcoming reads.



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